Downtown Fort Wayne | Fort Wayne, Indiana
First snow of the year, and I had an engagement session scheduled. WHAT. A. WIN. If you are new here, you have probably now realized just how much I love the snow, and winter. I know, you probably now think I am weird, but I used to spend a good chunk of my winter in Northern Michigan as a child. Every time it snows I think of the time I was up there and three feet of snow fell over night. It was so tall, my sister wasn’t even allowed to go outside in it because she couldn’t walk in it. It was the most magical thing in the world. So everytime it snows, I think of all the magical days I spent in the snow, and get so excited.
So when I saw the snow falling, I knew it was going to be a good one. Wasn’t wrong. Sam and Justin are so flippen cute together. The way they cuddle into each other. The way they look at each other. The way they smile around each other. Honestly the best part about my job is seeing how in love two people are, and Sam and Justin just embody love. Two people who are truly better together.

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