Downtown Fort Wayne | Fort Wayne, Indiana
If you click through my blog, especially fall sessions, you may notice that 90% of them take place in Downtown Fort Wayne. Now I don’t post family photos or senior photos on the blog, so you see a handful of sessions there, when in reality in the fall I basically live there on the weekends. But as you click through the sessions that are on the blog and do take place there, it is pretty easy to see why. If you want the best fall leaves, with the prettiest colors, Downtown is your spot. This is also why I am usually working around several other photographers, but it is all worth it for these insanely photogenic spots. I know if anyone is reading this, they probably think I am crazy, and why would a park like Shoaff, or Foster not be the best, but let the images speak for themselves. Downtown is the best. Plus a lot of my couples, including Alyssa and Grant want a mix of nature and urban, so Downtown checks all the boxes.
Now I have to be honest, it’s now just the gorgeous scenery that makes these shots, but the couples whose story I am telling. I am blessed to work with some of the most amazing couples, and Alyssa and Grant fall right into that. I actually discovered mid-engagement session that Alyssa, Grant, and I all briefly went to high school together. I had transferred for my junior year, and they were seniors at the school I went to. Crazy small world, right? The best part is these two are high school sweethearts, cute the awhs! Let me tell you I think high school sweethearts are just so cool, and it may have to do with the fact that my parents are, but there is just something about couples that not only get to grow old together, but also grew up together. There is always this sweet bond between them that just can’t be matched. Alyssa and Grant have that bond, and it is so sweet. It is so exciting to watch them finally be living their dreams of being husband and wife after 7 years together.

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